writer's block

How a Convergence Cured "Writer's Block"


I have not had the motivation nor the desire to write for the last month.  Nothing changed in my life to set up this change in behavior, but I guess I encountered that condition that many go through--"Writer's Block."  Ultimately, I replicated the results from Dennis Upper's groundbreaking 1974 study "The Unsuccessful Self-Treatment of a Case of Writer's Block (Upper, 1974)."

With that said, during this month's time, I was able to experience "The Convergence of Human Training, Animal Training and Technology," in Seattle.  This conference gave me a lot to learn in the two days of inspiring and motivating speakers, and I have pages of notes, of which I'm sure will translate to multiple blog posts in the coming weeks.  I learned about  the accomplishments behavior analysis produces when applied to multiple populations, species, and industries through the use of clicker training, shaping, positive reinforcement, virtual reality, machine learning, and data analysis.  

In providing a space for all of these sectors to mix and discuss our science, for the first time we began to see that maybe we can indeed "Save the World with Behavior Analysis."




Upper, D. (1974). The unsuccessful self-treatment of a case of “writer’s block.” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis7(3), 497. http://doi.org/10.1901/jaba.1974.7-497a